Micronesia Travel Guide

Published on : 2021 - Mar - 02

Micronesia Blog. We intent to bring you updates on the islands of Micronesia with travel offers provided by various travel partners around the world..

Micronesia means “”. These beautiful are situated 5,150 km west-southwest of Honolulu in the North , and about three-quarters of the way between and . Micronesia is spread over 3 million miles of the Pacific and includes over 2000 islands. The distance from one end of Micronesia to the other is 2,040 nautical miles. 

The tiny islands of Micronesia are the result of millions of years ago. Some are the tips of huge underwater mountains, some of the atolls are the rims of sunken volcano craters which peak above the water surrounding serene lagoons, and some are combinations of both. 

The high Islands have dramatic cliff faces which, rise straight from the sea. They are covered in tropical jungle and blessed with sunshine. The beautiful low encircle . These islands are a paradise for and fishing. 

Micronesia is a pleasant mix of traditional and the new. Micronesian's today, maintain their traditional canoeing skills by recording, preservation and 

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